
A collection of 31 posts

How the U.S. Goes to Work

How the U.S. Goes to Work

From the 1950s onward, the U.S. has been a nation of car commuters. Our country developed alongside the rise of the automobile and the present-day urban geography reflects the car's

CityDash for San Francisco Bay Area cities

CityDash for San Francisco Bay Area cities

C [http://lotadata.com/]ITYDATA.ai transforms time and place into actionable context for smart cities, enterprise businesses, mobile apps and wearables. STIR 2016 One of the few companies selected to join STIR

Top 5 Mobile Gaming Micro-moments

Top 5 Mobile Gaming Micro-moments

Mobile gamers are an interesting bunch. We should know. We are them. The typical mobile gaming session transpires at home and at work, through commutes, across multiple different places and venues, intertwining in-game

Frank Underwood vs. Donald Trump

Frank Underwood vs. Donald Trump

The data scientists at CITYDATA.ai take a look at the presidential matchup that we all wish could happen. Excited at the prospect of rambunctious contested conventions? Giddy with anticipation as major political

Making Sense of the Census: Polygons

Making Sense of the Census: Polygons

The U.S. Census Bureau [https://www.census.gov/en.html] provides a very intricate and sometimes unstructured hierarchy of geospatial geometries that link back to the U.S. demographic data. This post